Monday, 26 May 2014

Free Online Read Now Up!!

Woooo hoooo!

My free Harlequin Online read is up! If anyone fancies a read, here's the link. It's the prequel to the 21st Century Gentlemen's Club collaboration I did with the fabulous Dani Collins and amazing Victoria Parker. This book was so great to write and I can't wait to share it with you!

And here's my lovely UK & US covers, one

complete with my hero's mask (which is much more detailed in the book, I hasten to add!)

Hope you enjoy the free read!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maya,
    I have created my own website for appreciation of creative writers of Modern genre! If you visit my website you will know a little more about me. I have been reading M&B Romances since 1965 and have been a Teacher of English too, for over 28years! I have posted reviews of your earlier Modern genre books
    This website is absolutely an altruistic one as I get pleasure reading this particular Modern genre and sharing it with other readers who have a similar mind –set!
    Keep your Muse very close to you!
    Best wishes
