Wednesday 11 November 2009

The Proposal – Best Rom-Com of the Year!

“hand off ass”, a catchy tune by Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock (sang badly), and a very nutty grandmother are just a few things that make this movie my rom-com of the year. Some parts of it made howl with laughter (cue gay stripper scene).

Sandra Bullock really knows her comedy and as for Ryan Reynolds, well, all I can say is, that Scarlett Johansson is one lucky gal *wink*. Seriously though, as I mentioned on another board, I love, love, love this movie and anything that gives a writer the oomph to write more romance can only be a good thing, right?

Has anyone seen this movie? If not, make sure you see it asap!

Happy writing and reading.


PS – Oh, and this movie also totally changed my view of Alaska!


  1. Yes, we bought it! It is very cute. And that song will now forever remind me of it, too. "hand off ass" is one of those memorable lines, no?

    Might I add, you've excellent taste, my sister across the pond (sistah with a prime ministah?).

  2. Why thank you, Piper dear! Glad you enjoyed the movie, too. Sistah with a prime ministah? Too funny!


  3. "So naked" and "I don't understand!" being two of my favorite lines from that movie. And Ryan Reynolds? Oh. My. My eyes were falling out of my head, in front of my husband, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. It was brilliant.

    I love how I expected him to be beta, because he was the assistant and younger, but he was pretty alpha. A sneak alpha attack...I liked it.
